Monday, June 12, 2006

more chemo

It looks like this is a new cancer (so soon!!!). I am going to be starting Chemo again. I'm going to do a different drug combo this time.

This one is in the opposite breast. It has the same patholgy as my first one (aggressive and not easy to treat) The good news is that it is new and caught before it spread. The bad news is that it happened so soon after my last chemo and grew so fast, so it would be expected that if I treat it the same way I could get another. I am going to have genetic testing done. I will be doing chemo first so we can watch it shrink (often they totally disappear) and I will likely decide to remove all breast tissue (and do reconstruction) to minimize the chance of getting another. I'm guessing my surgery would be in the fall or maybe November. I'm starting to look for a surgeon.

My brother is in town. He has two weeks off before he goes back. I think he leaves next Friday

This cancer crap really sucks!

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