Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The big squeeze

I went in for a "regular" mammogram. I always thought people who complained about painful mammograms were wimps. Today I was a wimp. She flattened that thing so much I almost said "owie". Victory - as this was the first mammogram that I did not have to "stay after". That means the film looked ok. The actual report should be back in a day or two.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bloody CT scan

I went in for a CT scan today. I still can't believe how much they charge for these. It sounds like I will have a scan every 6 months for awhile just to make sure nothing is in me growing.

As I was leaving the building after my scan today I looked down at my hand and blood was all over it. I took off my coat and the entire arm of my black sweater was soaked in blood. I had to go back in to get the "leak" taped up. The nurse said "sorry about your sweater" .

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Last Chemo!

I know that I said it once before, but I just had my last chemo!!!

Now I can start scheduling my fun....

I am going to have a scan and see the doc in about a month.