Thursday, June 21, 2007

Good news...I think

i got a call yesterday and was told that my brother is a 6/6 match. I can go ahead with the stem cell trial if I want. Initially I was terrified (well I still am a bit). I emailed my doc and he thinks this is great news. he thinks this trial should be my first choice. I talked to my brother and he is ready. He actually sounds excited. I also talked to a friend that lives in Maryland and the offer is still open for me to stay with her. Maybe this is all working out for a reason.

Here is the info on the study:


Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been lurking on your blog and checking it everday along with some other blogs. I am so glad to hear that your brother is a match. My husband also has his siblings undergoing HLA testing. I hope he will be as lucky as you have been.

Anonymous said...

That's great news, Jill. Holding good thoughts for you.

- Lisa