Saturday, June 30, 2007


I haven't written in awhile because I have busy trying to finish things up at work and home. I have most of the legal documents done, I just need to finish setting up my trust. The more I learn about this trial, the more I wonder if I will really make it to transplant. I will be going in this week for a brain mri. If I have brain mets then I'm out. I hope that doesn't happen because then I'm back at square 1. I am scheduled for appointments in Maryland from July 10th - 17th. If all of those go well then I can sign on to the trial.

My cover has now been blown at work. Everyone knows that I have cancer. So much for privacy. There is no way to plan for such a long leave without the word getting out. Of course the word does get a little distorted. One woman approached me yesterday and to tell me how sorry she was that my cancer was persisting. Then she said " so it sounds like you are going to take time off to travel before the end" . I hadn't thought of doing that yet.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jill,
I have been checking your posts daily since I found your link on the NPR web site.
I hope and pray all the tests turn out ok for you so you can go through with the transplant.
My heart goes out to you, you have been through so much. I think of you often and was happy to find you left an update. There is still hope, never loose that!
From someone who cares.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you, Jill.
I also found your site via Leroy's blog, and have been checking to see how you're doing.

A BC sister

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Jill.

You're in my thoughts.

Lisa from Leroy's blog.

Anonymous said...

I had a similiar experience work. I tried to keep the details of my illness private, but after needing to take a leave from work the rumor mill was creating all sorts of stories. I finally decided to share my details to quiet the masses. It's not fair.